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Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) Phase 1 meeting

16th of November 2018

The TRS Phase I Meeting was held on 16th Nov. 2018 at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). The TRS collaborative project was awarded more than 33 million HKD with the aim to explore the complex sources and formation mechanisms of photochemical pollution and fill the knowledge gaps on the role of naturally emitted reactive gases/aerosols, the complex chemical pathways, and the interplay with meteorology/climate. More than 20 researchers and academics involved in the project attended the meeting including Prof. Tao WANG (as the project’s PC) , all the Co-PIs (or delegate) and Co-I from different research institutes. In the meeting, all sub-groups summarized the Phase I research progress and discussed the next stage work plan. A following TRS scientific symposium will be held in the mid of Jan. 2019.

Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) Phase 1 meeting

Dr. Peter LOUIE (Co-PI, HKEPD), Prof. Tao WANG and Prof. Hai GUO (Co-PI, CEE)
were discussing the project progress (from left to right)

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