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Field Study for ANR-RGC Joint Scheme & Theme-based Research Scheme —Phase 1

15th of November 2018

(ANR-RGC) “Impact of Air-Sea Exchanges on Air Quality in Coastal Megacities” and (TBRS) “Photochemical air pollution in highly urbanized subtropical regions - from micro environments to urban-terrestrial-oceanic interactions”, these two projects are under joint filed study at Hok Tsui supersite (owned by HKEPD) on Southeastern Hong Kong Island.
Five groups contributed to the first phase of Field study, including Prof. Wang Tao(PolyU); Prof. Christian. George (IRCELYON-CNRS); Prof. Shun-cheng Lee (PolyU); Prof.Mellouki (CNRS Orleans)  and Dr. Chun-Ho Liu (CUHK). Thanks for EPD for supplying supersite and conducting field study.
The second phase of filed study has been carried out as planned from 01 Nov 2018, and expected to be completed by 15 Dec 2018.

Field Study for ANR-RGC Joint Scheme & Theme-based Research Scheme —Phase 1

The Hok Tsui supersite

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