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Probing ozone pollution, precursors, and processes in different regions of China

Prior to year 2000, there were very few studies of photochemical ozone pollution and causes in China, due in part to lack of data on ambient concentrations of ozone, let alone ozone precursors (NOx and volatile organic compounds). Since the middle 1990s, our team has made systemic investigations of ozone pollution and causes in photochemical active seasons in some major urban centers throughout China including Hong Kong (Link to map of study site). These studies revealed serious pollution already existing in the 1990s and gave insights into chemical environment and meteorological conditions inducive to ozone pollution. The data from the early years serve as baseline for assessment of changes in air quality and has guided new and more focused studies.


Air trajectories during the Beijing Olympics (a) before emission control, b) after control, (c) secondary air pollutants before and after control, d)ozone diurnal pattern at three sites revealing northward transport during ozone episodes.


Tropical cyclone, sea-land breezes and ozone episode in Hong Kong

Related references:

  1. Wang, T. *, L. K. Xue, P. Brimblecombe, Y. F. Lam, L. Li, and L. Zhang. "Ozone Pollution in China: A Review of Concentrations, Meteorological Influences, Chemical Precursors, and Effects." Science of the Total Environment575 (Jan 2017): 1582-96.

  2. Lyu, X. P., Z. H. Ling, H. Guo, S. M. Saunders, S. H. M. Lam, N. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Liu, and T. Wang. "Re-Examination of C1-C5 Alkyl Nitrates in Hong Kong Using an Observation-Based Model (Vol 120, Pg 28, 2015)." Atmospheric Environment 129 (Mar 2016): 133-33.

  3. Xue, L. K. *, T. Wang*, X. F. Wang, D. R. Blake, J. Gao, W. Nie, R. Gao, X. M. Gao, Z. Xu, A. J. Ding, Y. Huang, S. C. Lee, Y. Z. Chen, S. L. Wang, F. H. Chai, Q. Z. Zhang, and W. X. Wang. "On the Use of an Explicit Chemical Mechanism to Dissect Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate Formation." Environmental Pollution 195 (Dec 2014): 39-47.

  4. Xue, L. K. *, T. Wang*, P. K. K. Louie, C. W. Y. Luk, D. R. Blake, and Z. Xu. "Increasing External Effects Negate Local Efforts to Control Ozone Air Pollution: A Case Study of Hong Kong and Implications for Other Chinese Cities." Environmental Science & Technology 48, no. 18 (Sep 2014): 10769-75.

  5. Xue, L. K. *, T. Wang*, J. Gao, A. J. Ding, X. H. Zhou, D. R. Blake, X. F. Wang, S. M. Saunders, S. J. Fan, H. C. Zuo, Q. Z. Zhang, and W. X. Wang. "Ground-Level Ozone in Four Chinese Cities: Precursors, Regional Transport and Heterogeneous Processes." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14, no. 23 (2014): 13175-88.

  6. Xu, Z., L. K. Xue, T. Wang*, T. Xia, Y. Gao, P. K. K. Louie, and C. W. Y. Luk. "Measurements of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate at a Background Site in the Pearl River Delta Region: Production Efficiency and Regional Transport." Aerosol and Air Quality Research 15, no. 3 (Jun 2015): 833-41.

  7. Guo, J., A. Tilgner, C. Yeung, Z. Wang, P. K. K. Louie, C. W. Y. Luk, Z. Xu, C. Yuan, Y. Gao, S. Poon, H. Herrmann, S. Lee, K. S. Lam, and T. Wang*. "Atmospheric Peroxides in a Polluted Subtropical Environment: Seasonal Variation, Sources and Sinks, and Importance of Heterogeneous Processes." Environmental Science & Technology 48, no. 3 (Feb 2014): 1443-50.

  8. Zhou, D. R., A. J. Ding*, H. T. Mao, C. B. Fu, T. Wang, L. Y. Chan, K. Ding, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, A. Lu, and N. Hao. "Impacts of the East Asian Monsoon on Lower Tropospheric Ozone over Coastal South China." Environmental Research Letters 8, no. 4 (Oct-Dec 2013): 7.

  9. Ding, A. J.*, T. Wang, and C. B. Fu. "Transport Characteristics and Origins of Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in Hong Kong, South China." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 118, no. 16 (Aug 2013): 9475-88.

  10. Xue, L. K., T. Wang*, I. J. Simpson, A. J. Ding, J. Gao, D. R. Blake, X. Z. Wang, W. X. Wang, H. C. Lei, and D. Z. Jing. "Vertical Distributions of Non-Methane Hydrocarbons and Halocarbons in the Lower Troposphere over Northeast China." Atmospheric Environment 45, no. 36 (Nov 2011): 6501-09.

  11. Zheng, J. Y. *, L. J. Zhong, T. Wang, P. K. K. Louie, and Z. C. Li. "Ground-Level Ozone in the Pearl River Delta Region: Analysis of Data from a Recently Established Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network." Atmospheric Environment 44, no. 6 (Feb 2010): 814-23.

  12. Xue, L. K., A. J. Ding, J. Gao, T. Wang *, W. X. Wang, X. Z. Wang, H. C. Lei, D. Z. Jin, and Y. B. Qi. "Aircraft Measurements of the Vertical Distribution of Sulfur Dioxide and Aerosol Scattering Coefficient in China." Atmospheric Environment 44, no. 2 (Jan 2010): 278-82.

  13. Wang, T. *, W. Nie, J. Gao, L. K. Xue, X. M. Gao, X. F. Wang, J. Qiu, C. N. Poon, S. Meinardi, D. Blake, S. L. Wang, A. J. Ding, F. H. Chai, Q. Z. Zhang, and W. X. Wang. "Air Quality During the 2008 Beijing Olympics: Secondary Pollutants and Regional Impact." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10, no. 16 (2010): 7603-15.

  14. Meng, Z. Y. *, X. B. Xu, T. Wang, X. Y. Zhang, X. L. Yu, S. F. Wang, W. L. Lin, Y. Z. Chen, Y. A. Jiang, and X. Q. An. "Ambient Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Ammonia at Ten Background and Rural Sites in China During 2007-2008." Atmospheric Environment 44, no. 21-22 (Jul 2010): 2625-31.

  15. Guo, H. *, I. J. Simpson, A. J. Ding, T. Wang, S. M. Saunders, T. J. Wang, H. R. Cheng, B. Barletta, S. Meinardi, D. R. Blake, and F. S. Rowland. "Carbonyl Sulfide, Dimethyl Sulfide and Carbon Disulfide in the Pearl River Delta of Southern China: Impact of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Sources." Atmospheric Environment 44, no. 31 (Oct 2010): 3805-13.

  16. Zhang, J. M., T. Wang *, A. J. Ding, X. H. Zhou, L. K. Xue, C. N. Poon, W. S. Wu, J. Gao, H. C. Zuo, J. M. Chen, X. C. Zhang, and S. J. Fan. "Continuous Measurement of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (Pan) in Suburban and Remote Areas of Western China." Atmospheric Environment 43, no. 2 (Jan 2009): 228-37.

  17. Wang, T. *, X. L. Wei, A. J. Ding, C. N. Poon, K. S. Lam, Y. S. Li, L. Y. Chan, and M. Anson. "Increasing Surface Ozone Concentrations in the Background Atmosphere of Southern China, 1994-2007." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9, no. 16 (2009): 6217-27.

  18. Ren, Y., A. J. Ding, T. Wang *, X. H. Shen, J. Guo, J. M. Zhang, Y. Wang, P. J. Xu, X. F. Wang, J. Gao, and J. L. Collett. "Measurement of Gas-Phase Total Peroxides at the Summit of Mount Tai in China." Atmospheric Environment 43, no. 9 (Mar 2009): 1702-11.

  19. Guo, H. *, F. Jiang, H. R. Cheng, I. J. Simpson, X. M. Wang, A. J. Ding, T. J. Wang, S. M. Saunders, T. Wang, S. H. M. Lam, D. R. Blake, Y. L. Zhang, and M. Xie. "Concurrent Observations of Air Pollutants at Two Sites in the Pearl River Delta and the Implication of Regional Transport." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9, no. 19 (2009): 7343-60.

  20. Guo, H. *, A. J. Ding, T. Wang, I. J. Simpson, D. R. Blake, B. Barletta, S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, S. M. Saunders, T. M. Fu, W. T. Hung, and Y. S. Li. "Source Origins, Modeled Profiles, and Apportionments of Halogenated Hydrocarbons in the Greater Pearl River Delta Region, Southern China." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 114 (Jun 2009): 19.

  21. Ding, A. J., T. Wang *, L. K. Xue, J. Gao, A. Stohl, H. C. Lei, D. Z. Jin, Y. Ren, X. Z. Wang, X. L. Wei, Y. B. Qi, J. Liu, and X. Q. Zhang. "Transport of North China Air Pollution by Midlatitude Cyclones: Case Study of Aircraft Measurements in Summer 2007 (Vol 114, D08304, 2007)." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 114 (Jun 2009): 1. . 

  22. Zhang, J. *, T. Wang, W. L. Chameides, C. Cardelino, D. R. Blake, and D. G. Streets. "Source Characteristics of Volatile Organic Compounds During High Ozone Episodes in Hong Kong, Southern China." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8, no. 16 (2008): 4983-96.

  23. Zhang, J., T. Wang *, W. L. Chameides, C. Cardelino, J. Kwok, D. R. Blake, A. Ding, and K. L. So. "Ozone Production and Hydrocarbon Reactivity in Hong Kong, Southern China." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (Jan 2007): 557-73.

  24. Wong, H. L. A., T. Wang *, A. Ding, D. R. Blake, and J. C. Nam. "Impact of Asian Continental Outflow on the Concentrations of O-3, Co, Nmhcs and Halocarbons on Jeju Island, South Korea During March 2005." Atmospheric Environment 41, no. 14 (May 2007): 2933-44.

  25. Wang, T. *, A. J. Ding, J. Gao, and W. S. Wu. "Strong Ozone Production in Urban Plumes from Beijing, China." Geophysical Research Letters 33, no. 21 (Nov 2006): 5.

  26. Simpson, I. J., T. Wang*, H. Guo, Y. H. Kwok, F. Flocke, E. Atlas, S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, and D. R. Blake. "Long-Term Atmospheric Measurements of C-1-C-5 Alkyl Nitrates in the Pearl River Delta Region of Southeast China." Atmospheric Environment 40, no. 9 (Mar 2006): 1619-32.

  27. Guo, H., T. Wang*, D. R. Blake, I. J. Simpson, Y. H. Kwok, and Y. S. Li. "Regional and Local Contributions to Ambient Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds at a Polluted Rural/Coastal Site in Pearl River Delta, China." Atmospheric Environment 40, no. 13 (Apr 2006): 2345-59.

  28. Zahorowski, W.*, S. Chambers, T. Wang, C. H. Kang, I. Uno, S. Poon, S. N. Oh, S. Werczynski, J. Kim, and A. Henderson-Sellers. "Radon-222 in Boundary Layer and Free Tropospheric Continental Outflow Events at Three Ace-Asia Sites." Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 57, no. 2 (Apr 2005): 124-40.

  29. Wang, T. *, H. Guo, D. R. Blake, Y. H. Kwok, I. J. Simpson, and Y. S. Li. "Measurements of Trace Gases in the Inflow of South China Sea Background Air and Outflow of Regional Pollution at Tai O, Southern China." Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 52, no. 3 (Nov 2005): 295-317.

  30. Gao, J., T. Wang*, A. J. Ding, and C. B. Liu. "Observational Study of Ozone and Carbon Monoxide at the Summit of Mount Tai (1534m A.S.L.) in Central-Eastern China." Atmospheric Environment 39, no. 26 (Aug 2005): 4779-91.

  31. Cheung, H. C., T. Wang*, K. Baumann, and H. Guo. "Influence of Regional Pollution Outflow on the Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter and Visibility in the Coastal Area of Southern China." Atmospheric Environment 39, no. 34 (Nov 2005): 6463-74.

  32. Wang, Y. X. X., M. B. McElroy*, T. Wang, and P. I. Palmer. "Asian Emissions of CO and NOx: Constraints from Aircraft and Chinese Station Data." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D24 (Dec 2004): 37.

  33. Wang, T. *, C. H. Wong, T. F. Cheung, D. R. Blake, R. Arimoto, K. Baumann, J. Tang, G. A. Ding, X. M. Yu, Y. S. Li, D. G. Streets, and I. J. Simpson. "Relationships of Trace Gases and Aerosols and the Emission Characteristics at Lin'an, a Rural Site in Eastern China, During Spring 2001." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D19 (Aug 2004): 16.

  34. Tan, Q., W. L. Chameides*, D. Streets, T. Wang, J. Xu, M. Bergin, and J. Woo. "An Evaluation of Trace-P Emission Inventories from China Using a Regional Model and Chemical Measurements." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D22 (Nov 2004): 21.

  35. Zhu B.*; Wang T.; Xu YF.; Characteristics of non-methane hydrocarbons collected in Lin’an, a rural/agricultural site of eastern China during autumn 1999, Climatic and Environmental Research (in Chinese) , 2005, Vol 10, 185-192. 

  36. So, K. L. and T. Wang*. "C-3-C-12 Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in Subtropical Hong Kong: Spatial-Temporal Variations, Source-Receptor Relationships and Photochemical Reactivity." Science of the Total Environment 328, no. 1-3 (Jul 2004): 161-74.

  37. Lam, K. S. *, T. J. Wang, T. Wang, J. Tang, Y. Kajii, C. M. Liu, and S. G. Shim. "Overview of Surface Ozone Variability in East Asia North Pacific Region During Igac/Apare(1991-1996)." Journal of Environmental Sciences16, no. 4 (2004): 599-609. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000222450600016. 

  38. Guo, H., T. Wang*, I. J. Simpson, D. R. Blake, X. M. Yu, Y. H. Kwok, and Y. S. Li. "Source Contributions to Ambient Vocs and Co at a Rural Site in Eastern China." Atmospheric Environment 38, no. 27 (Sep 2004): 4551-60.

  39. Guo, H., T. Wang*, and P. K. K. Louie. "Source Apportionment of Ambient Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in Hong Kong: Application of a Principal Component Analysis/Absolute Principal Component Scores (Pca/Apcs) Receptor Model." Environmental Pollution 129, no. 3 (Jun 2004): 489-98.

  40. Ding, A., T. Wang*, M. Zhao, T. Wang, and Z. K. Li. "Simulation of Sea-Land Breezes and a Discussion of Their Implications on the Transport of Air Pollution During a Multi-Day Ozone Episode in the Pearl River Delta of China." Atmospheric Environment 38, no. 39 (Dec 2004): 6737-50.

  41. Chan, C. Y. *, X. D. Zheng, L. Y. Chan, H. Cui, E. W. L. Ginn, Y. K. Leung, H. M. Lam, Y. G. Zheng, Y. Qin, C. S. Zhao, T. Wang, D. R. Blake, and Y. S. Li. "Vertical Profile and Origin of Wintertime Tropospheric Ozone over China During the Peace-a Period." Journsical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D23 (Oct 2004): 19.

  42. Wang, T. *, C. N. Poon, Y. H. Kwok, and Y. S. Li. "Characterizing the Temporal Variability and Emission Patterns of Pollution Plumes in the Pearl River Delta of China." Atmospheric Environment 37, no. 25 (Aug 2003): 3539-50.

  43. Wang, T. * and J. Y. H. Kwok. "Measurement and Analysis of a Multiday Photochemical Smog Episode in the Pearl River Delta of China." Journal of Applied Meteorology 42, no. 3 (Mar 2003): 404-16.<0404:maaoam>;2

  44. Wang, T. *, A. J. Ding, D. R. Blake, W. Zahorowski, C. N. Poon, and Y. S. Li. "Chemical Characterization of the Boundary Layer Outflow of Air Pollution to Hong Kong During February-April 2001." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 108, no. D20 (Sep 2003): 15.

  45. Tang, Y. H. *, G. R. Carmichael, J. H. Woo, N. Thongboonchoo, G. Kurata, I. Uno, D. G. Streets, D. R. Blake, R. J. Weber, R. W. Talbot, Y. Kondo, H. B. Singh, and T. Wang. "Influences of Biomass Burning During the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (Trace-P) Experiment Identified by the Regional Chemical Transport Model." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 108, no. D21 (Nov 2003): 19.

  46. Zhu B.*; Wang T.; Ni DL.; Photochemical ozone and characteristics of its precuroisors in the boundary layer of Lin’an, a rural/agricultural site of eastern China during autman 1999, Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology(in Chinese), 2004, vol 27, 185-192. 

  47. So, K. L. and T. Wang*. "On the Local and Regional Influence on Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations in Hong Kong." Environmental Pollution 123, no. 2 (2003): 307-17.

  48. Carmichael, G. R. *, Y. Tang, G. Kurata, I. Uno, D. G. Streets, N. Thongboonchoo, J. H. Woo, S. Guttikunda, A. White, T. Wang, D. R. Blake, E. Atlas, A. Fried, B. Potter, M. A. Avery, G. W. Sachse, S. T. Sandholm, Y. Kondo, R. W. Talbot, A. Bandy, D. Thorton, and A. D. Clarke. "Evaluating Regional Emission Estimates Using the Trace-P Observations." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 108, no. D21 (Nov 2003): 27.

  49. Wang, T. *, T. F. Cheung, Y. S. Li, X. M. Yu, and D. R. Blake. "Emission Characteristics of Co, Nox, So2 and Indications of Biomass Burning Observed at a Rural Site in Eastern China." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 107, no. D12 (Jun 2002): 10.

  50. Lam, K. S. *, A. Ding, L. Y. Chan, T. Wang, and T. J. Wang. "Ground-Based Measurements of Total Ozone and Uv Radiation by the Brewer Spectrophotometer # 115 at Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 36, no. 12 (Apr 2002): 2003-12.

  51. Wang, T. *, Y. Y. Wu, T. F. Cheung, and K. S. Lam. "A Study of Surface Ozone and the Relation to Complex Wind Flow in Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 18 (Jun 2001): 3203-15.

  52. Wang, T. *, V. T. F. Cheung, K. S. Lam, G. L. Kok, and J. M. Harris. "The Characteristics of Ozone and Related Compounds in the Boundary Layer of the South China Coast: Temporal and Vertical Variations During Autumn Season." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 15 (May 2001): 2735-46.

  53. Wang, T. *, V. T. F. Cheung, M. Anson, and Y. S. Li. "Ozone and Related Gaseous Pollutants in the Boundary Layer of Eastern China: Overview of the Recent Measurements at a Rural Site." Geophysical Research Letters28, no. 12 (Jun 2001): 2373-76.

  54. Lam, K. S.*, T. J. Wang, L. Y. Chan, T. Wang, and J. Harris. "Flow Patterns Influencing the Seasonal Behavior of Surface Ozone and Carbon Monoxide at a Coastal Site near Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 18 (Jun 2001): 3121-35.

  55. Cheung, V. T. F. and T. Wang*. "Observational Study of Ozone Pollution at a Rural Site in the Yangtze Delta of China." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 29 (Oct 2001): 4947-58.

  56. Luo, C., J. C. S. John, X. J. Zhou, K. S. Lam, T. Wang, and W. L. Chameides*. "A Nonurban Ozone Air Pollution Episode over Eastern China: Observations and Model Simulations." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 105, no. D2 (Jan 2000): 1889-908.

  57. Chung, K. K. *, J. C. L. Chan, C. N. Ng, K. S. Lam, and T. Wang. "Synoptic Conditions Associated with High Carbon Monoxide Episodes at a Coastal Station in Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 33, no. 19 (Aug 1999): 3087-95.

  58. Chameides, W. L. *, X. S. Li, X. Y. Tang, X. J. Zhou, C. Luo, C. S. Kiang, J. St John, R. D. Saylor, S. C. Liu, K. S. Lam, T. Wang, and F. Giorgi. "Is Ozone Pollution Affecting Crop Yields in China?" Geophysical Research Letters26, no. 7 (Apr 1999): 867-70.

  59. Wang, T. *, K. S. Lam, A. S. Y. Lee, S. W. Pang, and W. S. Tsui. "Meteorological and Chemical Characteristics of the Photochemical Ozone Episodes Observed at Cape D'aguilar in Hong Kong." Journal of Applied Meteorology37, no. 10 (Oct 1998): 1167-78.<1167:maccot>;2

  60. Chan, L. Y. *, H. Y. Liu, K. S. Lam, T. Wang, S. J. Oltmans, and J. M. Harris. "Analysis of the Seasonal Behavior of Tropospheric Ozone at Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 32, no. 2 (Jan 1998): 159-68.

  61. Wang, T. *, K. S. Lam, L. Y. Chan, A. S. Y. Lee, and M. A. Carroll. "Trace Gas Measurements in Coastal Hong Kong During the Pem-West B." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 102, no. D23 (Dec 1997): 28575-88.

  62. Wang T.*; Lam KS.; Chan LY.; Man CK.; Tsang CW.; and Anson M.; Cape D’Aguilar (Hok Tsui) Atmospheric Research Station in Hong Kong, IGACtivities Newsletter (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC) Newsletter), 2000, Issue No. 20.

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