General Research Fund (GRF)-Hydrochloric acid
Hydrochloric acid in the polluted coastal atmosphere of South China: abundances, sources, and impacts
---- To determine atmospheric concentrations of HCl together with particulate-phase chloride and major photolabile gases (ClNO2 and Cl2) at a coastal site of South China.
---- To investigate activation efficiency for reactive chlorine gases and influencing factors.
---- To evaluate the performance of two widely used thermodynamic models (E-AIM and ISORROPIA II) and a chemical transport model (CMAQ) for the prediction of HCl.
---- To quantify individual and collective contribution from HCl, Cl2 and ClNO2 to Cl- radical production and production of secondary pollutants.
---- Optimizing Tof-CIMS for measurement ambient HCl.
---- Field measurements for HCl and reactive halogens at a costal site in Hong Kong.
---- Comprehensive data analysis on ambient HCl with several models (chemical box model, global model and thermodynamic model)