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Field study Hok Tsui in Hong Kong

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Since 1993 the PolyU group has been conducting atmospheric measurements at the Hok Tsui research station on southeastern Hong Kong Island. This is the first long-term background site in southern China.

Ozone and CO have been continuously measured since 1994. Aerosols and non-methane hydrocarbons were measured for period longer than 12 months, and intensive studies of other trace gases were also conducted. Seasonal variations of trace gases and aerosols have been established (Lam et al., 2001; Cheng et al., 2000; Cheung, 1999; Cohen et al., 2004).  Outflow of continental pollution has been characterized. The station participated in the PEM-WEST B study in spring 1994 (Wang et al., 1997) and the TRACE-P and ACE-Asia Program in spring 2001 (Wang et al., 2003, Cohen et al., 2004). The station has also been used by other studies of local and regional air quality. The early work at the station has laid a solid foundation for the later expansion of our research into other parts of Asia.


Related References: 

  1. Lee, C. S. L., X. D. Li*, G. Zhang, J. Li, A. J. Ding, and T. Wang. "Heavy Metals and Pb Isotopic Composition of Aerosols in Urban and Suburban Areas of Hong Kong and Guangzhou, South China - Evidence of the Long-Range Transport of Air Contaminants." Atmospheric Environment 41, no. 2 (Jan 2007): 432-47.

  2. Li, J., G. Zhang, L. L. Guo, W. H. Xu, X. D. Li *, C. S. L. Lee, A. J. Ding, and T. Wang. "Organochlorine Pesticides in the Atmosphere of Guangzhou and Hong Kong: Regional Sources and Long-Range Atmospheric Transport." Atmospheric Environment 41, no. 18 (Jun 2007): 3889-903.

  3. Zahorowski, W.*, S. Chambers, T. Wang, C. H. Kang, I. Uno, S. Poon, S. N. Oh, S. Werczynski, J. Kim, and A. Henderson-Sellers. "Radon-222 in Boundary Layer and Free Tropospheric Continental Outflow Events at Three Ace-Asia Sites." Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 57, no. 2 (Apr 2005): 124-40.

  4. Chan, C. Y. *, X. D. Zheng, L. Y. Chan, H. Cui, E. W. L. Ginn, Y. K. Leung, H. M. Lam, Y. G. Zheng, Y. Qin, C. S. Zhao, T. Wang, D. R. Blake, and Y. S. Li. "Vertical Profile and Origin of Wintertime Tropospheric Ozone over China During the Peace-a Period." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D23 (Oct 2004): 19.

  5. Cohen, D. D. *, D. Garton, E. Stelcer, O. Hawas, T. Wang, S. Poon, J. Kim, B. C. Choi, S. N. Oh, H. J. Shin, M. Y. Ko, and M. Uematsu. "Multielemental Analysis and Characterization of Fine Aerosols at Several Key Ace-Asia Sites." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D19 (Aug 2004): 18.

  6. Lam, K. S. *, T. J. Wang, T. Wang, J. Tang, Y. Kajii, C. M. Liu, and S. G. Shim. "Overview of Surface Ozone Variability in East Asia North Pacific Region During Igac/Apare(1991-1996)." Journal of Environmental Sciences16, no. 4 (2004): 599-609. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000222450600016. 

  7. Wang, T. *, A. J. Ding, D. R. Blake, W. Zahorowski, C. N. Poon, and Y. S. Li. "Chemical Characterization of the Boundary Layer Outflow of Air Pollution to Hong Kong During February-April 2001." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 108, no. D20 (Sep 2003): 15.

  8. Tang, Y. H. *, G. R. Carmichael, J. H. Woo, N. Thongboonchoo, G. Kurata, I. Uno, D. G. Streets, D. R. Blake, R. J. Weber, R. W. Talbot, Y. Kondo, H. B. Singh, and T. Wang. "Influences of Biomass Burning During the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (Trace-P) Experiment Identified by the Regional Chemical Transport Model." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 108, no. D21 (Nov 2003): 19.

  9. Wang, T. *, C. N. Poon, Y. H. Kwok, and Y. S. Li. "Characterizing the Temporal Variability and Emission Patterns of Pollution Plumes in the Pearl River Delta of China." Atmospheric Environment 37, no. 25 (Aug 2003): 3539-50.

  10. Lam, K. S. *, A. Ding, L. Y. Chan, T. Wang, and T. J. Wang. "Ground-Based Measurements of Total Ozone and Uv Radiation by the Brewer Spectrophotometer # 115 at Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 36, no. 12 (Apr 2002): 2003-12.

  11. Wang, T. * and J. Y. H. Kwok. "Measurement and Analysis of a Multiday Photochemical Smog Episode in the Pearl River Delta of China." Journal of Applied Meteorology 42, no. 3 (Mar 2003): 404-16.<0404:maaoam>;2

  12. Wang, T. *, V. T. F. Cheung, K. S. Lam, G. L. Kok, and J. M. Harris. "The Characteristics of Ozone and Related Compounds in the Boundary Layer of the South China Coast: Temporal and Vertical Variations During Autumn Season." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 15 (May 2001): 2735-46.

  13. Wang, T. *, Y. Y. Wu, T. F. Cheung, and K. S. Lam. "A Study of Surface Ozone and the Relation to Complex Wind Flow in Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 18 (Jun 2001): 3203-15.

  14. Lam, K. S.*, T. J. Wang, L. Y. Chan, T. Wang, and J. Harris. "Flow Patterns Influencing the Seasonal Behavior of Surface Ozone and Carbon Monoxide at a Coastal Site near Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 18 (Jun 2001): 3121-35.

  15. Wang T.*; Lam KS.; Chan LY.; Man CK.; Tsang CW.; and Anson M.; Cape D’Aguilar (Hok Tsui) Atmospheric Research Station in Hong Kong, IGACtivities Newsletter (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC) Newsletter), 2000, Issue No. 20. 

  16. Luo, C., J. C. S. John, X. J. Zhou, K. S. Lam, T. Wang, and W. L. Chameides*. "A Nonurban Ozone Air Pollution Episode over Eastern China: Observations and Model Simulations." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 105, no. D2 (Jan 2000): 1889-908.

  17. Cheng, Z. L. *, K. S. Lam, L. Y. Chan, T. Wang, and K. K. Cheng. "Chemical Characteristics of Aerosols at Coastal Station in Hong Kong. I. Seasonal Variation of Major Ions, Halogens and Mineral Dusts between 1995 and 1996." Atmospheric Environment 34, no. 17 (2000): 2771-83.

  18. Chameides, W. L. *, X. S. Li, X. Y. Tang, X. J. Zhou, C. Luo, C. S. Kiang, J. St John, R. D. Saylor, S. C. Liu, K. S. Lam, T. Wang, and F. Giorgi. "Is Ozone Pollution Affecting Crop Yields in China?" Geophysical Research Letters26, no. 7 (Apr 1999): 867-70.

  19. Chung, K. K. *, J. C. L. Chan, C. N. Ng, K. S. Lam, and T. Wang. "Synoptic Conditions Associated with High Carbon Monoxide Episodes at a Coastal Station in Hong Kong." Atmospheric Environment 33, no. 19 (Aug 1999): 3087-95.

  20. Wang, T. *, K. S. Lam, L. Y. Chan, A. S. Y. Lee, and M. A. Carroll. "Trace Gas Measurements in Coastal Hong Kong During the Pem-West B." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 102, no. D23 (Dec 1997): 28575-88.

Copyright © The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

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