Field study in Lin'an

As a contribution to China-MAP and ACE-Asia, O3, CO, SO2, and NOy were measured at Lin’an in the Yangtze Delta region during 1999-2001 to characterize emission and photochemical pollution in rural eastern China. We also collected canister samples for NMHCs and halocarbons and PM2.5 aerosol samples. This research was carried out in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and the Lin’an Baseline Air Monitoring Station.
We examined the seasonal patterns and the correlations of O3 with CO and NOy (Wang et al., 2001) and ozone episodes (Cheung and Wang, 2001). The data yield valuable insights into the complex mix of air pollutants at this site. The data together with chemical transport models have shown that CO emission in the emission inventories has been underestimated by as much as 100% (Wang et al., 2002, 2004; Carmichael et al., 2003; Tan et al., 2004; Y.X. Wang et al., 2004). The data collected at this site provides valuable information to assess the long-term trend of air quality in this important region (Xu et al., 2006).
Related References:
Xu XB.*; Lin WL.; Wang T.; Meng ZY.; Wang Y.; Long-term Trend of Tropospheric Ozone over the Yangtze Delta Region of China, Adv. Clim. Change Res.,(in Chinese), 2006, 2 (5): 211-216.
Zhu B.*; Wang T.; Xu YF.; Characteristics of non-methane hydrocarbons collected in Lin’an, a rural/agricultural site of eastern China during autumn 1999, Climatic and Environmental Research (in Chinese) , 2005, Vol 10, 185-192.
Wang, Y. X. X., M. B. McElroy*, T. Wang, and P. I. Palmer. "Asian Emissions of Co and Nox: Constraints from Aircraft and Chinese Station Data." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D24 (Dec 2004): 37.
Tan, Q., W. L. Chameides*, D. Streets, T. Wang, J. Xu, M. Bergin, and J. Woo. "An Evaluation of Trace-P Emission Inventories from China Using a Regional Model and Chemical Measurements." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 109, no. D22 (Nov 2004): 21.
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Zhu B.*; Wang T.; Ni DL.; Photochemical ozone and characteristics of its precuroisors in the boundary layer of Lin’an, a rural/agricultural site of eastern China during autman 1999, Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology(in Chinese), 2004, vol 27, 185-192.
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Wang, T. *, T. F. Cheung, Y. S. Li, X. M. Yu, and D. R. Blake. "Emission Characteristics of Co, Nox, So2 and Indications of Biomass Burning Observed at a Rural Site in Eastern China." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 107, no. D12 (Jun 2002): 10.
Wang, T. *, V. T. F. Cheung, M. Anson, and Y. S. Li. "Ozone and Related Gaseous Pollutants in the Boundary Layer of Eastern China: Overview of the Recent Measurements at a Rural Site." Geophysical Research Letters28, no. 12 (Jun 2001): 2373-76.
Cheung, V. T. F. and T. Wang*. "Observational Study of Ozone Pollution at a Rural Site in the Yangtze Delta of China." Atmospheric Environment 35, no. 29 (Oct 2001): 4947-58.